Sick building syndrome
Has it ever occurred to you that when you entered a room, you suddenly started haveing health problems that you didn’t have before? Or, when you have been in a room for a long time, have you experienced health changes that you usually do not have? How about when the symptoms of a disease that you have currently under control of trigger from nowhere without any previous characteristic signs? Have you noticed that the symptoms of current health problems have worsen when you are visiting certain building?
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- Headaches
- Breathing difficulties
- Runny nose
- Tightness in the chest
- Throat irritation
- Dry, itchy, skin rashes
- Allergy symptoms such as sneezing
- Fatigue
- Dizziness
- Difficulty concentrating and forgetfulness
- Fever
- Chills
- Nausea
- Irritability
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- 烟草制品
- 过多的水分
- 壁炉
- 生物污染物
- 冷却系统、除湿装置
- 中央供暖
- 家具和建筑材料
- 家庭清洁和维护产品、个人护理产品或嗜好
- 建筑材料和家具(由某些压制的木制品制成的家具和橱柜、地毯、新安装的地板、变质的石棉绝缘材料等。)
- 室外来源(杀虫剂、室外空气污染、氡气、一氧化碳...)。
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Hidden Dangers of Indoor Air Pollutants
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Let us see some most common ones that are guilty of causing the sick building syndrome. The usual everyday things that surround us, that we live with and that we would never think about, cause sick building syndrome.
生物污染物 can be found in every household. Includes viruses, bacteria, cat saliva, animal dander, pollen, house dust, mites, etc. Controlling the relative humidity level in a home can be helpful. For homes, it is recommended to sustain between 30 and 50% relative humidity. Wet surfaces such as standing water and water-damaged materials serve as breeding grounds for molds, mildews, bacteria, and insects. Damp, warm environments are very welcome for domestic mites, which are the most common pollutant.
Pollens from plants, mold, viruses transmitted by people and animals, household pets, droppings from pests or insects, viruses and bacteria, the protein in urine from hamsters, guinea pigs, domesticated mice, rats, contaminated central air handling systems if not properly maintained, mold in bathrooms, bedding, carpet, etc., are sources of bad health. Biological contaminants are produced by living things.
Children, people with breathing problems, allergies, elderly people, and those with lung diseases are susceptible to disease-causing biological agents in indoor air. Dizziness, fever, digestive problems, shortness of breath, coughing, watery eyes, and sneezing are the most common health problems, including some types of asthma and allergic rhinitis.
The influence of carbon monoxide on indoor air quality is very important, and the sources are very different. Carbon monoxide has no odor; it is colorless and a very toxic gas that can kill you before you are aware of it in your home. Leaking chimneys and furnaces, gas stoves, tobacco smoke, unvented kerosene and gas space heaters, automobile exhaust from attached garages, nearby roads, parking areas, etc., affect your health. At low concentrations, you can experience chest pain and fatigue. If concentrations are moderate, angina, reduced brain function, and impaired vision can occur. Higher concentrations can cause confusion, nausea, headaches, impaired vision and coordination, and it is fatal.
Formaldehyde, on the other hand, is a colorless and flammable gas with a strong smell. It is found in furniture products, hair products, nail polish, toothpaste, soap, fertilizers and pesticides, building materials and insulation, dishwashing liquids, paper products, lacquers and finishes, etc. Its levels are higher in new manufactured wood products (flooring and furniture and some fabrics). It is present in exhaust fumes, tobacco smoke, is released into the atmosphere during fires, and is an integral part of smog. Formaldehyde irritates the skin, eyes, and respiratory mucosa. Of all the harmful effects, the carcinogenicity of formaldehyde is certainly the most worrying. It damages the genetic material of cells and triggers processes that can lead to cancer. Formaldehyde has been linked to cancer of the nasal cavity and throat. However, people exposed to formaldehyde in their work are most at risk.
Allergic reactions to formaldehyde irritation can occur as nasal irritation, sore throat, sneezing, coughing, fatigue, and cutaneous erythema. A certain amount of formaldehyde inevitably ends up in the blood, so it is important to take all necessary precautions to limit its accumulation in tissues and vital organs.
In general, you should try to avoid the use of carpet and chipboard furniture, always ensure proper air exchange and ventilation in home environments, and use safe and controlled heating sources. Try to buy materials with the text E1 (low formaldehyde concentration), and use air conditioners or dehumidifiers to stabilize the home temperature (heat and humidity increase the release of formaldehyde indoors).
Formaldehyde is used in most adhesives to make sheet composites. Part of the formaldehyde binds and part does not react. Unreacted formaldehyde slowly passes out of the plate. The wood processing industry has been working for many years to increase product quality and thus reduce formaldehyde emissions from panel composites – it is the proportion of surface openness through which formaldehyde can emit smoothly. Due to its high solubility in water, it is absorbed very quickly into the human body.
Radon is an odorless and colorless natural radioactive gas. It accumulates indoors and can be carcinogenic. It comes naturally from the earth. It sounds scary that radon is present in all facilities, business and residential. However, its concentration is the most important factor and usually the limit value is prescribed by law. Radon easily enters buildings through cracks in the floor slab, shafts, plumbing or electrical installations, and ventilation systems. The biggest risk of overexposure to radon is lung cancer.
- 免疫系统
- 心血管系统
- 呼吸道
- 自律神经系统
- 心理-情绪状态
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