
Frequently Asked Questions


Halotherapy, or therapy with dry salt, is an effective, natural treatment in which pharmaceutical-grade salt is aerosolized into salt room, creating a microclimate that helps treat respiratory and skin conditions…. 


When you breathe in specialy prepared salty air, molecules enter the airways of your lungs to break down and release negative ions. The negative ions stimulate the linings of your airways, clearing mucous while boosting your immune…

What should I expect during my halotherapy session?

During halotherapy session, you sit in a salt room. Usually salt rooms are decorated with salt plaster or with himalayan bricks. It is very calming environment. It is recommended that you take a few deep breaths during…

What skin conditions does halotherapy help?

Halotherapy is great for acne, dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.  Dry salt aerosol takes beneficial effect on skin microcirculation. Increasing of permeability and electrophysiological activity of the cellular membrane…

What respiratory conditions does halotherapy treat?  

Halotherapy helps alleviate symptoms of allergies, asthma, bronchitis, COPD, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, frequent colds, hay fever, rhinitis, sinusitis, smokers’ cough, damage from smoking, and upper respiratory disorders…


Salt therapy helps tackle inflammation, as well as mental lethargy, seasonal affective disorder, stress and depression, including postpartum depression. It can also help with insomnia, ear infections and snoring relief…


Salt therapy is a natural treatment and very safe. There are no known side effects associated with salt therapy. Sometimes after a session, you might experience a little tickle in your throat, which is the body’s natural way of…


そうなんです。子供は大人よりも早くソルトセラピーに反応することが多いですし、自然なことなので、ソルトセラピーの副作用は知られていません。 ただし、お子様には常に大人の方が付き添っていてください。


Those who are coughing up blood, or if you’re at risk for it, should not use the salt room. Others who should avoid salt therapy include: those with pulmonary insufficiency, acute or severe disease of other organs (unless you have…


Halotherapies are typically 20 – 30 minutes for children and 40-60 minutes for adults in duration and are private. The concentration of salt is adjusted for your specifications.


Halotherapy reports its birthplace in St. Petersburg, Russia with Alina Chervinskaya, M.D. conducting research and observations in her patients.  A lot of research has been conducted in Europe where is it a popular form of natural…


Halotherapy offers the best results when practiced regularly. The benefits are cumulative and consistency and frequency is the key. Those with chronic issues will benefit greatly by visiting salt rooms at least 3-4 times a week…

ビバソルトを購入する ハロゲネレーター





When you breathe in specialy prepared salty air, molecules enter the airways of your lungs to break down and release negative ions. The negative ions stimulate the linings of your airways, clearing mucous while boosting your immune response to pathogens. When the negative ions reach your bloodstream, they are said to produce biochemical reactions that boost serotonin levels. When salty aerosol reacts with the skin, resolves a variety of skin conditions. The particles of sodium chloride aerosol penetrate deeply into the respiratory tract where they enhance immune defense and provide bronchodrainage, bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory effect.  A stable hypoallergenic, hypobacterial environment is maintained in the therapeutic room.

The assessment of the microbial contamination during a session of halotherapy proves that 1m3 contains from 90 – 200 saprophytic microorganisms (according to WHO standards on air sterility, 1m3 should contain less than 300 microbial bodies). Microflora content returns to its initial level 10-20 minutes after the session is completed.

What should I expect during my halotherapy session?



What skin conditions does halotherapy help?



What respiratory conditions does halotherapy treat?  

Halotherapy helps alleviate symptoms of allergies, asthma, bronchitis, COPD, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, frequent colds, hay fever, rhinitis, sinusitis, smokers’ cough, damage from smoking, and upper respiratory disorders.

Salt therapy is great for anyone who relies on their lungs for performance – athletes, singers, and everyone in between.



ハロセラピーの効果として知られ、報告されているのは、肺や皮膚に対するものがほとんどですが、精神的な幸福に対するマイナスイオンの有益な効果は、精神科医にとって特に興味深いものです。ハラテラピーで発生するようなマイナスイオンは、精神的な明晰さや幸福感を高めることがわかっています。 マイナスイオンは、精神的な疲労や炎症の原因となりがちな都会の多忙な生活の中にあふれるプラスイオンを結びつけ、中和します。また、マイナスイオンは天然の抗うつ剤とも言われています。


Research showed positive ions can create anxiety, irritability and a hyper-serotonin state, whereas the negative ions, such as those created during halotherapy, can neutralize the anxiety and irritability by normalizing serotonin levels which potentially improves one’s mental outlook, mood and sleep.  Additionally, a “clarity effect” has been described when talking about the benefits of negative ions and the brain, which describes improved mental concentration and performance.




そうなんです。子供は大人よりも早くソルトセラピーに反応することが多いですし、自然なことなので、ソルトセラピーの副作用は知られていません。 ただし、お子様には常に大人の方が付き添っていてください。




Halotherapies are typically 20 – 30 minutes for children and 40-60 minutes for adults in duration and are private. The concentration of salt is adjusted for your specifications.


ハロセラピーは、ロシアのサンクトペテルブルクでアリナ・チェルヴィンスカヤ医学博士が患者を観察しながら研究を重ねて誕生しました。 ヨーロッパでも多くの研究が行われており、自然療法の一つとして普及しています。



