Slana pećina
Salt. An ancient crystal of extraordinary power.
It comes in different colours and is widely used in food, chemical and wellness industry and not so long ago also for health. All started in salt mine in Poland. Dr. Feliks Boczkowski, was the first one who noticed, as he was working as mine physician for Wieliczka Salt Mine in Poland, that miners working in salt mine were in pretty good health.
He asked himself how is this even possible if mining job is dangerous for health and it is very well know, that working in mine leaves severe health consequences? Especially health problems with lungs and respiratory system. He discovered that secret is hidden in the air. Salty air that is. You see, the process of grinding and hammering at the salt in mine, produces dry aerosol of salt or salt particles in different micron sizes which are being disbursed into the air and inhaled. While the miners were mining, they were also on salt therapy at the same time. The mine was one big salt cave with therapeutical effect. Thus began the use of dry aerosols of salt for therapeutic purposes.
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The first therapies with dry salt aerosol were started in salt mines, where a certain part of the mine was used as a salt cave. People stay in it for a long time for a period of a few hours even, and inhaled the air in the salt cave which gives great benefits to respiratory system and skin.
So, moving fast forward an idea came up in Russia in 1985 and first halogenerator was developed. The idea was to bring conditions from underground salt cave to surface. First halogenerator replicated the grinding and crushing of salt making dry aerosol of salt and disperse it into the air. Just like in salt caves.

So how did it go? Better than expected. They found that they could control the parameters with which they could adjust and control halotherapy. You see, in underground salt cave they could not control temperature, humidity, concentration of aerosol of salt, while on surface all these things were possible.
In order to bring the experience in the salt cave as close as possible to the people, the development of the construction or installation of an environment that mimics a salt cave began. Applying salt to the walls to keep it well and not harm your health is a big challenge. But with our technology, this is possible. Salt is a demanding crystal, as it has the property of absorbing moisture from the environment and then also releases it.
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Too much moisture in the salt cave above ground, makes it impossible for salt to stay on the walls and ceiling. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to what kind of binder is used, because when salt releases moisture, the chemical properties of the binder are also released back into the atmosphere of the above ground salt cave. If something that irritates the respiratory tract is used for the binder, then the implementation of halotherapy in such above ground salt caves is not appropriate. It is not moral or ethical to use binders, that can cause health problems escpecially if can trigger respiratory problems. Agreed?
Just one more thing about salt plaster. Now, it would be a lie to claim that this is it from halotherapy. This salt-coated rooms, also known as salt rooms or salt caves have nothing to do with halotherapy. The salt coat covering walls and floor acts as a buffer for air moisture and helps maintain the environmental aseptic properties.The fact is that in a salt cave without a halogenerator, halotherapy cannot be performed. It is not enough if you close yourself in such salt cave and breath. You really have to have halogenerator, which is the heart of salt cave.
A halogenerator is a device that produces an aerosol of salt. When you insert a special halotherapy salt into the halogenerator, it produces a salt aerosol that is delivered into the salt cave. This aerosol of salt comes in different sizes, the bigger particles are apropriate for upper respiratory system, the smaller ones go deep into the lungs by breathing.
How about himalayan salt cave?
Himalayan salt is mined in a region Punjab in Pakistan or areas close to the Himalayas. It is special because of its color. It varies from pinks, pure white, orange, red and mixture of all. The color is determined by the amount of different minerals but iron found in the salt, gives the tipical red to orange tone, and that is what we love about it.
In himalayan salt cave the salt is mined for food, himalayan salt lamps, salt brick, etc. Himalayan salt cave is a huge deposit of himalaya salt and it is estimated that nearly 6,7 billion tons are still avaliable.
Somehow there is a general belief that Himalayan salt is healthier than white salt. Well, there is no precise and definitive answer, as previous research on the better effects of Himalayan salt has not convinced us. Traces of Himalayan salt minerals excavated from the Himalayan salt cave are negligible.
What about salt lamps made out of himalyan salt? Many claim that the Himalayan salt lamp has a positive effect on the respiratory system if it is lit in space for a long time? That it emits negative ions? Cleans the air? Destroys electrosmog, etc? What we can answer to this is no. Show us research and hard prove evidence, then we will believe it. But for now, our firm answer is no. Those claims are misleading.
Himalayan salt cave
Now you are probably already wondering, how about a salt cave made out of himalayan salt? Yes of course, that also exists. If you are wondering, what is the difference between salt cave, where the walls and ceiling are salt coated and himalayan salt cave made from himalyan brick or himalayan salt, I assure you it is just a look. While salt cave is usually white, the himalayan salt cave has the typical colors considered for himalayan salt.
In himalayan salt cave you will see, that walls are usually build with himalayan salt brick, on the ground, however, is usually scattered Himalayan salt or a mixture of white salt and Himalayan salt. Salt plaster is not used as in white salt cave, but salt bricks are used, which are either assembled together or a special glue is used in the construction. Namely, as we have already written, salt is a demanding crystal and in order for the salt bricks in the himalayan salt cave to stick together, it is necessary to use the right glue. There are also salt caves that are a mixture of white salt caves and Himalayan salt rooms, where the stylistic form of the two intertwines. Himalayan salt cave is unique, because when the himalayan brick wall is lighted from behind it gives a very soothing light.
So, no matter what kind of above ground salt cave you will decide to visit, if it is a salt cave with white salt or a himalayan salt cave, only with halogenerator you will receive the full benefit of dry salt aerosol and only this kind of therapy is called halotherapy.
During halotherapy performed in either the salt cave or the himalayan salt cave, it is highly recommended that you take a few deep breaths. Nothing by force, just as it suits you. The environment is saturated with dry aerosol of salt and the therapies vary from 20+ minutes for children and 60 minutes for adults. Halotherapy is performed under controlled conditions. Aerosol of salt has more than 97% particles in size 1-5 microns, which allows such aerosol effective penetrates to the deepest parts of the lungs. It is 100% natural therapy, because for halotherapy only special salt is used, without any added substances or no anti-caking additives.
It is recommended that you relax during therapy either in white salt cave or in himalaya salt cave and enyoj.
The difference
What is better? To visit above ground salt cave (himalayan salt cave) or to spend time in salt chambers in salt mines?
Salt mines in Europe and in Pakistan have therapies for people with lung problems. Usually, visitors have to spend a couple of hours to get some benefit. It really takes a lot of time. In Khewra salt mine in Pakistan they state that it is necessary to spend at least 11 hours a day, several days in a row. According to them, it takes 10 days. In the Polish salt mine Wieliczka recommend a 7-hour treatment.
Halotherapy in above ground salt cave or himalayan salt cave are much shorter. Because of the device named halogenerator and the special conditions that are required inside the salt cave or himalayan salt cave, halotherapies can be more efficient. Due to controlled conditions such as humidity and room temperature, the salt aerosol has the ability to stay in the air for a long time after being blown in by a halogenerator. This also increases the concentration of the dry salt aerosol, which is adjusted according to the client’s health condition, lung capacity and age.
The power of halotherapy
The first officially recorded word halotherapy was in 1984 (mr. Pavel Grobenko, National Institute of Health, Saint – Petersburg Russia). Mr. Grobenko has demonstrated medical improvement through halotherapy in chronic weriness syndrome, cold foot syndrome, syndrome of springtime wariness, reduce of physical and mental capacity for work, immunity, liquidation of stress, cosmetology, sleeping, prophylaxis of cold disease, disease of breathing system, respiratory viral infection, illnesses regarding external and internal factors of risks (sick building syndrome, working in harm industry, living environment).
Also other clinical studies has proven that halotherapy has a beneficiary effect for people with chronic bronchitis, chronic bronchiolitis, rhinitis, angina, rhinosinusopathia, pharyngitis, bronchial asthma, high arterial tension, disease of heart and vessels, diabetes mellitus, diseases of gastro-intestinal tract, ear infections, laryngitis, pharyngitis, pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (not in last phase), etc. Kindergarten children who are susceptible to viral diseases with regular visits to halotherapy break records of kindergarten attendance. Athletes use halotherapy for faster regeneration and better lung capacity.
Recently, halotherapy has also been increasingly used in animal respiratory diseases.
Halotherapy has proven safety method for children, adults and seniors. It must be adjusted according to age, disease and lung capacity.

Imate li pitanja?
Haloterapija je učinkovit prirodni tretman u kojem se farmaceutska sol raspršuje u slanoj sobi i stvara mikroklimu koja pomaže dišnom sustavu i koži.
What to wear in a salt cave?
Wearing comfortable clothing is enouraged when entering a salt cave as therapy may last several hours, especially when treating severe conditions. Do not be alarmed if salt particles show on any dark clothing as they do not harm your clothes and are easily washed away when you get home. If you are visiting a salt cave fro any skin conditions, we recommend wearing clothes that leaves the affected area as exposed as possible for best results.
How long does salt therapy usually last?
Generally speaking, sessions last 30-45 minutes; however, please consult with your provider regarding optimal therapy duration as well as frequency for best results. The provider may increase or decrease frequency and duration based on improvements.
Are there any side effects from salt therapy?
Salt therapy is completely drug-free and does not include any chemicals, therefore there are no harmful side effects and is completely safe for everyone, including newborns as well as older adults.