VivaSalt SPA QUBE is a uniquely designed, mobile halogenerator created specifically for use in spa and wellness centers. Its distinctive construction, made from Himalayan salt bricks, combines functionality and aesthetics, delivering an exceptional halotherapy experience while enhancing the ambiance of any space.
Innovative and Mobile Design
Built with mobility in mind, the VivaSalt SPA QUBE is equipped with wheels, allowing it to be easily moved across the floor of salt rooms or other wellness spaces. Its unique construction, recognizable as part of VivaSalt’s signature design, ensures optimal air concentration in a short time.
Customizable Himalayan Salt Brick Integration
The SPA QUBE can be supplied with or without Himalayan salt bricks, allowing flexibility to avoid transport costs. The bricks are simple to mount, and once installed, they provide not only therapeutic benefits but also a stunning visual appeal. With built-in LED lighting featuring 14 different colors, the salt bricks create a calming and luxurious atmosphere, elevating the overall experience.
Powerful Halotherapy Performance
At its core, the VivaSalt SPA QUBE is an extremely powerful halogenerator. It disperses a fine salt aerosol, with over 99% of particles measuring below 3 microns, ensuring maximum therapeutic benefits for respiratory health and relaxation. The device is protected by patented technology, including an exhaust principle that ensures the aerosols are evenly distributed and effective.
User-Friendly and Durable
Designed for ease of use and maintenance, the VivaSalt SPA QUBE simplifies cleaning and salt refills. Its durable construction and incorporation of 90 kg of Himalayan salt bricks highlight its commitment to quality and longevity.
Perfect for Wellness and Spa Centers
The VivaSalt SPA QUBE seamlessly combines powerful halotherapy technology with luxurious design, making it the ideal choice for spa and wellness centers. Whether used in large or small spaces, it offers a comprehensive halotherapy solution that is as visually striking as it is effective.
Elevate your wellness space with the VivaSalt SPA QUBE—a mobile, aesthetically pleasing, and highly functional halogenerator that delivers an exceptional salt therapy experience while enhancing the atmosphere with Himalayan salt’s natural beauty and benefits.
Техническа информация
Работна влажност: | < 60% |
Тегло: | 20 до 110 кг |
Консумация: | 200 W |
Електрическо напрежение: | 100 - 240 V |
Гаранция: | 24 месеца |
Размери: | 600 x 600 x 690 мм |
Подобни продукти
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Проектирани с мисъл за детайлите!

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Имате ли някакви въпроси?
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