VivaSalt Family

Halogenerator with exceptional power and small size, designed for home use.

The VIVASALT Family Halogenerator is a multifunctional device that combines portability, efficiency, and compact design to bring the benefits of salt therapy wherever you need it.
Whether you’re setting up a relaxing salt session in a dedicated cabin,IR sauna, a cozy tent or simply transforming your home into a wellness oasis, this halogenerator is your perfect solution.

Designed with versatility and ease of use in mind, the VIVASALT Family Halogenerator is small yet powerful, making it ideal for both personal and shared spaces.
Its compact size ensures effortless portability, allowing you to move it between rooms or even take it with you on trips.
With its sleek, modern aesthetic, it fits seamlessly into any setting, blending function with style.

By dispersing fine, pharmaceutical-grade salt particles into the air, this innovative halogenerator helps promote respiratory health, enhance skin conditions, and support relaxation.
It’s an excellent choice for families, wellness enthusiasts, and anyone looking to integrate the proven benefits of halotherapy into their lifestyle.

Discover how the VIVASALT Family Halogenerator can turn any space into a haven of health and tranquility—easy to use, maintain, and enjoy, it’s the ultimate tool for achieving holistic wellness at home or on the go.

Tehnički podaci

Radna vlažnost: < 60%
Težina: 1 kg
Potrošnja: 30 W
Električni napon: 100–240 V
Dimenzije: 140 mm X 120 mm  X 210 mm
Jamstvo: 24 mjeseci
Za veličinu sobe: Up to 4m2

Jamstvo: 2 godine.

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Kada se spoje znanje, iskustvo i srce, nastaje VivaSalt kvaliteta. Za kućnu i profesionalnu upotrebu.
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Imate li pitanja?

Haloterapija je učinkovit prirodni tretman u kojem se farmaceutska sol raspršuje u slanoj sobi i stvara mikroklimu koja pomaže dišnom sustavu i koži.